Our day out in London by Giselle (14, Mexico)
Today I want to talk about one of the best places I have ever seen and experienced: London.
We woke up really early. We had breakfast on the bus and on the road there was a lot of traffic so we got a bit delayed. When we arrived we walked to London Bridge we took a tourist boat down the River Thames (I have to say that one of my biggest dreams was to visit London). I know a lot of places, but when I saw the London Eye, I was shocked. It was so big and beautiful, and Big Ben: I have never seen anything like that in my whole life.
And what happened next? Well, we walked a lot, but we didn’t buy a lot. I loved the walk to Covent Garden down Whitehall, through Trafalgar Square because I saw a lot. You have to go there to take photos of everything.
When we were in Covenant Garden the staff just gave us an hour and a half for shopping and I was thinking, OMG, that’s not enough time. I need more time, please give me more time! I started running everywhere and with my friends came back to the meeting point just on time. Guess what? They gave us more time, so we ran again and I went to ZARA!
Then, we got back on the bus and had a very nice sleep return trip to the campus.