I've got butterflies in my stomach = (I feel nervous)
It’s normal to feel nervous before you arrive on summer school. In this blog, Carolina (14) from Mexico, tells us about how she met the challenge of travelling to a new country and overcame her butterflies.
When I arrived at More Than English coming from a long way from Mexico, I really tired, but it was amazing the paradise I saw here and all the good things about England. It was great to meet for the first time a lot of people from other countries and to know things about them.
What we did everyday was have breakfast, then Core English, lunch, Get Ahead, Club Time and then Evening Activities. At first I felt nervous, thinking “what am I doing here?” but I started to have a great time from the 2nd day onward.
For me this was a great experience that I wouldn’t change and it was an amazing opportunity for me. All the things I did here were unique and amazing. I loved the trips, all the people, the activities and all.