We formed a connection > Head Banging Sheep

It all started with 3 girls: an Italian, a Latvian and me (Imogen), the plain English one. Alina, Francesca and I get on exceedingly well. We share musical tastes, food interests and are all open minded. Also, we’re a bit mad! I started singing “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” by Panic at the disco, and that’s when Francesca started joining in and then Alina. It was great and we formed a connection. That was week 1 and now we are the Sheep squad. Three nationalities, one common language and connections that will last a lifetime.

The Birmingham excursion led us to buy 3 MATCHING SHEEP ONESIES! A trip to Blue Banana meant band merchandise, ear stretchers and hair dye, which made us the punk squad of the More Than English summer. The onesies, together with Josh’s new speaker meant the ultimate party at dinner that night! “I Write Sins” playing again and the onesies led to the formation of the Head Banging Sheep (a band like no other). That night, dinner consisted of delicious food and something extra: Head Banging Sheep featuring Laura (the girls’ Senior House Parent).

Thanks for the memories HBS (Head Banging Sheep). One thing’s for sure: we definitely were insanely good!

Imogen (16) – UK