Today is the 50th Anniversary since the first person walked on the moon, and today our brave international adventurers of 2019 continue on their journey.
Focus on: The Business Project
First rule of business:
“If it can go wrong, it will go wrong”
… which is why every entrepreneur needs to develop resilience and a problem solving mindset.
Ferenc (France) sourcing raw ingredients Mikulas (Czech Republic) remembering that a good sense of humour is important in business Daria (Romania) discovering that the costs are higher than expected
How do you start a business? This week, our young entrepreneurs are learning how to start a business from scratch (from the beginning).
It does not matter what business you start: the basic principles are the same. This week, the students are going to experience first hand all of these elements so that in the *future they will know how to start a business:
(*By ‘future’ we don’t mean in ten years’ time, we mean, when you get home. Many teens have started successful business. Read more.)
Course components
- Company vision
- Marketing
- Product design
- Financial planning
- Plant hire
- Procurement
- Manufacture
- Sales
- Law including due diligence and business ethics
Key skills:
- Working in an international team
- Project and time management
- Resilience: dealing with pressure and overcoming obstacles
After all that hard work, it’s time to relax. But not toooo much.
Club Time – Drama
Starting today… Club Time Drama (+swimming option + unihockey option).
This is not our official drama course, which is next week. This is just a Club Time activity, and Club Time means fun. Did you say “just” a Club Time activity?
Just a warning… never, never, never underestimate teenagers and that includes the Club Time drama crew: they’ll be in the theatre on stage on Tuesday, and we guarantee you’ll be “glued to your seats” in the theatre.
What is the subject of their drama? Well, here’s a clue:

3 House Points if you can guess.
Evening activities
We watched Johnny English – not only the greatest spy, but also the greatest teacher in the world, who gives House Points to his students in a very unique way…