Prague > Barcelona

Two amazing countries. Two amazing cities.

School owners David and Claire have just returned to the UK after meeting agency partners, parents and students in Prague and Barcelona.

Claire Norwood from More Than English said: “It was a great chance to share ideas, listen to advice and  ‘catch up with’ students from last summer!”

We’d like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everybody who made us feel so welcome in The Czech Republic and Spain.

Friendships that last

But More Than English staff are not the only people travelling and seeing amazing new countries. During summer school Carla from Spain and Klara (centre) from The Czech Republic practised their English a lot together and became very close friends.

What do friends do? They visit each other. After summer school Klara visited Carla in Barcelona for a week, which just shows that summer school is the first step on a much longer journey.